Wednesday, 19 March 2008

EMBiology Trial

A trial to EMBiology 1980-present is now available until 18-Apr-2008

A global biology indexing and abstracting database from Elsevier, EMBiology complements and extends EMBASE coverage in the basic biological sciences. Coverage extends from Biochemistry, Microbiology and Genetics through Biotechnology, Cell & Developmental Biology and Toxicology, to Plant Science, Agriculture & Food Science, Animal & Veterinary Science, and Ecology & Environmental Science.

EMBiology Quick Facts:

Journal coverage: more than 2800 active titles, including Trade Journals and Electronic-only Journals (books, patents & conference abstracts are not included)

Global coverage: cover-to-cover for all titles

Backfile to 1980: 4 million records

Current growth rate: 250,000 records/year

Abstracts: currently 85% (about 70% for the whole database)

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