Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Web of Knowledge Training

There will be a training session in the Boole Library Seminar Room next Wednesday 19th September, from 10.00a.m.-12.30p.m. on Web of Knowledge. Places are limited so please contact c.clehane@ucc.ie to request a place by Friday 14th.

Web of Knowledge New Interface Training


Introduction to the New Web of Knowledge: How it was developed and why.
The New Interface: An exploration of the new design, what’s changed and what’s the same.
My personal space- how to create a profile and access your personal area.
Searching- examination of the new way of searching, all database, general and cited reference searching.
The results summary page- how the results now display.
The full record- new features on the full record.
Analysing and Refining- new ways to focus your search.
Looking for an author of interest? Using the Author Finder Tool and DAIS system.
Citation Report- examine citation trend and data such as average citation rate per item and per year for a set of results.
Saving your work- new look to your saved searches and new rules
Keep up to date- citation alerts and query alerts.
Exporting your results- changes in extracting data.
Your Endnote Web Library- how to manage your folders, search online, share your folders, import results from other sources and insert references into a paper using Cite While you Write.

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