Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Have you reached your information overload?

ScienceDirect's TOP25 is a free service that allows you to quickly pinpoint the key new developments and trends in your field. The TOP25 provides lists of the most popular articles from over 2,000 scientific, technical and medical journals on ScienceDirect. It's a great tool to help take the stress out of research and quickly identify those hot, new developments everyone's reading about.

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Web of Knowledge Training

There will be a training session in the Boole Library Seminar Room next Wednesday 19th September, from 10.00a.m.-12.30p.m. on Web of Knowledge. Places are limited so please contact to request a place by Friday 14th.

Web of Knowledge New Interface Training


Introduction to the New Web of Knowledge: How it was developed and why.
The New Interface: An exploration of the new design, what’s changed and what’s the same.
My personal space- how to create a profile and access your personal area.
Searching- examination of the new way of searching, all database, general and cited reference searching.
The results summary page- how the results now display.
The full record- new features on the full record.
Analysing and Refining- new ways to focus your search.
Looking for an author of interest? Using the Author Finder Tool and DAIS system.
Citation Report- examine citation trend and data such as average citation rate per item and per year for a set of results.
Saving your work- new look to your saved searches and new rules
Keep up to date- citation alerts and query alerts.
Exporting your results- changes in extracting data.
Your Endnote Web Library- how to manage your folders, search online, share your folders, import results from other sources and insert references into a paper using Cite While you Write.