Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Patents - Trial to Thomson Patent Store

We now have a trial of Thomson Patent Store which gives access to full-text records via Derwent Innovations Index (DII) on the Web of Knowledge platform. Full text PDF links of patents are now added for trial. Trial ends June 7th 2008.

Derwent Innovations IndexSM is a research tool that provides Web access to more than 14,800,000 patents with links to cited and citing patents, cited articles, and full-text patent data sources.
  • EPO
  • WIPO
  • German Patent and Trademark Office
  • English translation of the first page of the patent applications published by the Japanese Patent Office (since 2000)
  • Direct access to patents from ARIPO, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Former East Germany, Great Britain-A, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan (original documents 1971-), Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, OAPI, Portugal, Romania, Soviet Union, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland

Friday, 11 April 2008

Attention all Night Owls.

From Monday, April 14th 2008, there will be extended opening hours in the Library. The Quadrangle Reading Room on the Q (ground) floor will now be open after the library building closes (up to 1.45am). This is a study area only and there will be no access to books, photocopying or PCs. The room is self-contained with its own toilets and swipe access door. There are 88 reader spaces in the room and these will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. The room will be monitored by an invigilator who will have hotline access to Campus security.

The procedure for use of this room is that room will have to be vacated and all personal items removed when the Library closes. All library material will be removed from the room and entrances to the main library will be locked. Students can then re-enter through the external swipe access door. For security reasons all users of this room must also sign in with the invigilator.

Full details of Opening Hours can be seen here.