Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Important Library Survey

The Library is currently running a rigorously tested web-based survey called LibQUAL.

It will give you the chance to tell us what you think about our services, and where the Library services need improvement. As a staff member or student, your feedback is very important.

The library is running the survey over the next 3 weeks. Please take 10 minutes to complete it. There are prizes which have been generously sponsored by suppliers.

You can take the survey at our Library website.

Monday, 25 February 2008

New catalogue enhancement with LibraryThing

As part of our OPAC redesign project, we have now rolled out a new enhancement feature. LibraryThing for Libraries is a social cataloguing web application which draws on the extensive LibraryThing database for tags, suggestions for similar titles and details of other editions and translations.
For an example of the links see “The architecture of happiness” by Alan De Botton.
You will see a list of “Similar Books” and a “tag cloud” at the bottom of the page.
If you click on one of the tags at the bottom of the screen, it will open a tag browser which will show books in our collections with that LibraryThing tag.
In the same way, the “Similar Books” list is linked through the tags. All links are to other books in our collections.

Friday, 22 February 2008

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics

We now have access to the Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. You have access to full text back to Vol.1 1962.

The Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP) is an international journal for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in all fields of applied physics. The journal publishes articles dealing with the applications of physical principles as well as articles concerning the understanding of physics that have particular applications in mind. The journal not only covers all aspects of modern technology such as semiconductor devices including VLSI technology, photonic devices, superconductors, and magnetic recording but also covers other diverse areas such as plasma physics, particle accelerators, nanoscience and technology, and applied bioscience.

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Chemistry - SciFinder Scholar Update

SciFinder Scholar 2007 is now available. Please update your software by following the instructions here. Before updating, please contact the Science Floor Q+1 for a username and password. These will be given by phoning you back on a UCC extension or by emailing to a UCC address in order to safeguard access rights.

Thursday, 14 February 2008

New Multimedia area open

A new Multimedia area is now open and is located on Q+3.
It is positioned on the North East side of the floor (older section), and consists of 21 booths, 9 of which are doubles.

In terms of equipment, 19 of the booths have 26” Sony Bravia TVs. There are 4 Blu-ray HD players, 6 multiregional DVD (HDMI) players and 9 multiregional DVD/VCR ‘combis’. In addition 19 of the booths have Dell PCs. Two have the older audio equipment (for cassette, vinyl records). All seating is height adjustable with arm-rests.