Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Mathematics EBooks from Springer

You now have access to 1,200 full text Mathematics and Statistics electronic books from Springer

EBooks Mathematics and Statistics copyright years 2005-2008 – English language

We have purchased copyright years 2005 – 2008, English language, so these will show up as full text on the above link but note you will not have access to books copyright pre 2005 or foreign language.

All 1,200 full access titles will eventually appear on our catalogue.

You can read these books, chapter by chapter (via a PDF link), or alternatively, use any keyword in the search box on the home page, i.e. type 'Linear Algebra' and you will get the combined hits over all Springer journals and book chapters where this phrase is used, and then you can use any of the additional functionality on the right hand side of the page to refine your search.

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

BioOne Trial

BioOne brings to the Web a uniquely valuable aggregation of the full-texts of high-impact bioscience research journals. Most of BioOne’s titles are published by small societies and non-commercial publishers, and, until now, have been available only in printed form.

BioOne provides integrated access to an information resource of interrelated journals focused on the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences.

Trial runs until 21st December 2007.

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Computer E-books

Doing Computer Science? Then why not check out our range of full text electronic books. A full list of titles via Safari can be seen on our catalogue here.

Thursday, 8 November 2007

Dissertations and Theses database

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT)
With more than 2.3 million entries, the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) database is the most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses in the world. Graduate students customarily consult the database to make sure their proposed thesis or dissertation topics have not already been written about. Students, faculty, and other researchers search it for titles related to their scholarly interests. Of the millions of graduate works listed, we offer over 1.9 million in full text format.

Friday, 2 November 2007

Chemistry - SciFinder Scholar Training Materials

New SciFinder Scholar training materials are now available for downloading from the CAS web page on These materials are designed to help you train new students and faculty to explore SciFinder.

The new Web page includes:
SciFinder Scholar Training Overview (PowerPoint; 3 MB)
Orientation Homework Questions (PDF; 100 KB)
Answer Key for Orientation Homework Questions (PDF; 240 KB)
You can access these new training materials from:—
the support page for academics:
or the support page for SciFinder Scholar: