Tuesday, 23 October 2007

October Public Holiday

The Boole Library will be open for reading on Saturday 27th October from 10:00-12:45 and on Monday 29th October from 10:00-21:45. Full details of our opening hours can be seen here.

Thursday, 11 October 2007

Library Orientation Workshops for Postgraduates

As part of the Postgraduate Induction there will be college specific workshops.

Library Orientation Workshops for Research Students:

Humanities: Monday, October 22nd at 11am
Business and Law: Wednesday, October 24th at 1pm
Science, Engineering and Food Science: Tuesday, October 23rd at 11am or
Thursday, October 25th at 11am
Medicine and Health: Friday, October 26th at 12pm

To book a place email r.bradfield@ucc.ie

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

New Trial

IOS Press
IOS Press publishes 90 international journals, ranging from computer science and mathematics to medicine and the natural sciences. IOS Press services a variety of scientific and medical communities in all parts of the world. This database is available until 31st March 2008.