Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Boole Closed on Monday August 6th

UCC Libraries will be closed on Monday August 6th 2007 as it is a Public Holiday. You can check opening hours here.

Sciences Closure

The SEFS library on Q-1 will be closed from Monday July 30th to Tuesday August 7th. This is to allow stock and materials currently on Q-1 to be moved to Q+1.

The Science, Engineering, and Food Science collections will reopen in their new permanent and refurbished floor Q+1 on Tuesday August 7th 2007. The floor will house the Dewey numbers 500 - 699, as well as 000-099 (Computer Science and Generalities). We look forward to welcoming you back to our new space.

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Site of the Day -Scirus

As an alternative to Google Scholar why not try searching Scirus http://www.scirus.com/. Scirus is the most comprehensive science-specific search engine on the Internet. Driven by the latest search engine technology, Scirus searches over 415 million science-specific Web pages.
Search engines are all different in the Web sites they cover, and the way they classify these Web sites. Scirus, the search engine for science, focuses only on Web pages containing scientific content. Read more information here.

Friday, 13 July 2007

Tip of the Day

JSTOR is a fantastic archival database providing full text back as far as the 19th century. If you would prefer a high quality PDF of your article rather than the scanned image that JSTOR provides , just click on the Download link at the bottom of each reference on your results page.
Article Information /Page of First Match /Print/ Download /Save Citation

Thursday, 12 July 2007

IReL Pick of the Day

We now have so many new electronic resources via IReL that you may be unaware of some of them. An excellent collection of online dictionaries and encyclopedias is Oxford Reference Online.

Oxford Reference Online: Premium Collection includes over 1 million entries across 25 subject areas - everything from architecture to zoology. It offers the very best in quick reference information together with authoritative, in-depth articles by world-famous authors. It also offers excellent functionality, and a wide range of additional material such as maps, illustrations and timelines.

Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Summer Opening Hours

Please note that from July 1st to September 30th the Library closes at 4.30pm Mon-Fri, and at 12.45pm on Saturdays. Full details are posted here.

Tuesday, 10 July 2007

New UCC Library Extension

The new postgraduate extension to the original 1983 Boole Library is nearly completed. In 3 weeks we will be moving to our new floor Q+1, which is currently undergoing refurbishment. More photos of the new extension can be found here.

All photos by Richard Bradfield

You can view an aerial view here.

SEFS on the Move

The Science, Engineering, and Food Science floor, known also as Q+2, closed on the 1st June 2007. Over the June Bank Holiday weekend an army of workers transferred (temporarily) all the material down to the Basement area Q-1 of the Boole. Q+2 is the first floor to be refurbished and will be the new home to Law and the Social Sciences. Until August you will find all your SEFS material and the Q+2 staff located on Q-1. A Reading Room is available and certain book stock (500-574) is on open-access. The remaining books and all the journals are in a closed access compact shelving area, and are by request only. Staff will be delighted to assist you, so please do not hesitate to ask at their new Information Desk, or use their usual phone number 2284. You can also email librarysciencefloor@ucc.ie. We will move in August to our new permanent home on Q+1, which will also have been refurbished.

Information Literacy

Our Information Literacy pages have been updated and can be viewed here. Some useful information on doing a literature review and Searching the Internet are included.

New Trial

Science of Synthesis Trial.
Science of Synthesis is one of the most in-depth authoritative information sources available on synthetic methodology and contains information on 18 000 generally applicable experimental procedures, which include 180 000 reactions and 800 000 structures. This electronic product for Science of Synthesis provides a direct path through the mass of primary literature to the pertinent data on a comprehensive range of organic reactions. This database is available until 30th September 2007.

New Trial

E-Books from ScienceDirect.
Trial access to over 500 eBooks on ScienceDirect has now been entitled and can be accessed online via Science Direct. This trial is available until the 1st September 2007.A Complete title list is available for your review. In addition, links to the full text on ScienceDirect have been included.Pricing/Licensing Options : Fact Sheet